SPÖ: The change of status is over – and Luca Kaiser recoils «DiePresse.com


The SPÖ party committees have Thursday after the turmoil of recent days but a new status of the party approved. It contains parts of the reform previously deflated, but in a diluted form compared to the original project. The SPÖ executive committee and the party committee also approved the list of candidates for the 26 May European elections, with Andreas Schieder in the lead and Luca Kaiser in 9th place.

Emperor, student and son of the Governor of Carinthia, Peter Kaiser, was recently considered the SPÖ's favorite candidate for Carinthia in the European elections. Originally, it should have been in sixth place on the list. Then there was a whirlwind around a tweet from him.

The two points must be officially decided at the party congress of 24 November in Wels. Party leader Pamela Rendi-Wagner (SPÖ) was satisfied Thursday evening after the meeting – which had taken longer than expected – satisfied with the decisions and wanted to leave aside the party's internal discussions with the past: "The of self-employment must come to an end.This purpose must be here and now. "As a goal, Rendi Wagner has called on the SPÖ as of today not only to defend his own interests as a party in the center, but" the interests of the population of this country ".

Strong criticism of the party leadership after the refusal of the secret reform

The action of party leaders during the reform of the state has caused in recent days violent unrest within the party. At the beginning of October, at the request of the SPÖ in Vienna, the organizational reform elaborated under former party leader Christian Kern was quietly and secretly canceled at the meeting of the presidium in Kahlenberg, Vienna. The idea was to move to the next convention in two years. The procedure met some of the party's criticism. Above all, the youth of the party and the individual countries – especially Styria – argued that at least part of the reform should be implemented quickly.

The demand has now been satisfied, but with a certain weakening: there is a significant change, especially in the discourse of the party members in the pacts of the coalition. The party executive will have a lot more weight. Only if there is a majority on the executive committee for a member survey will the coalition pact be presented to SPÖ members for voting. In turn, at least 20% must participate in order to create a default link for the game. This regulation applies to both the federal party and the states parties.

The "decision to join" can only influence the party line

With regard to content, according to the new law, five per cent of members may in the future apply to a party issue; from ten, the result becomes binding. This way of proceeding could be indirectly influenced by the results of the coalition negotiations. However, a coalition pact can not be overturned, as the "decision to join" can only influence the party line, it was said.

The initial model – approved in the spring by a poll of 70% of SPÖ members – stipulated that coalition agreements should be submitted to all SPÖ members as part of an investigation, if some they wished it. The result should be binding with a simple majority and a participation of at least 20%.

Only two-thirds majority on the federal list

Regarding the need for a two-thirds majority for a new election, the original settlement will also be weakened. It now applies only to federal lists. Country lists but also regional constituencies are excluded. Of course, several political party organizations have already announced their intention to implement this step at the state level, notably in Styria or Lower Austria.

It is clear for a long time that guest statuses tested and tested are also included in the status, so are the so-called subject sections. In addition, there should be a solidarity tax to the party, if the political advantages of a SPÖ representative are multiple.

Against all of Carinthia

The reform of the SPÖ statute and the EU list were adopted Thursday with four votes against. Broader discussions seemed to concern the order of the emperor. The captain-son finally found himself on the hopeless list of ninth place.

During the press conference, the SPÖ Federal Director, Thomas Drozda, emphasized that the production of lists was based on the zipper system, according to objective criteria. If Carinthia had chosen a woman as the first candidate, it would have been "a better place to list". The four votes against the EU list all came from Carinthia, admitted Drozda.

Sprinkler in second place

In addition to the main candidate Andreas Schieder, the European representative Evelyn Regner will occupy (as we already know) the second place on the list. Third place went to Günther Sidl (Lower Austria), ahead of Bettina Vollath (Styria), Hannes Heide (Upper Austria) and SJ boss Julia Herr (sixth). Christian Dax (Burgenland) and Stefanie Mösl (Salzburg) are followed by Luca Kaiser, who has no chance of getting a warrant. Drozda spoke of "the youngest list ever to participate in a ballot", saying the qualifications of the candidates are "extraordinary".

Asked about their expectations regarding the European elections, Rendi-Wagner did not want to be certain: "I have very good chances of success for this team," she said. But of course, he must claim to be as good as he can – "and be the first."

Peter Kaiser expresses his "great lack of understanding" about ninth place

Governor Kaiser is in any case dissatisfied with the list of candidates for the European elections. In a written statement, he expressed his "great lack of understanding" as to the fact that the first Carinthian candidate – his son – did not get the sixth place, as he had wished, but the ninth place without hope on the list of European elections.

"As a democrat, I take note of the list of the nine members who have expressed their deep gratitude for SPÖ Carinthia," said Kaiser. The ninth place "does not correspond to the successes and strength that the SPÖ Carinthia has achieved in recent years," said the governor of the province of Carinthia – who won 47.9% of the vote in the parliamentary elections in March. And he announced: "The subsequent procedure will determine SPÖ Carinthia in the party committees of his state". The emperor badured – annoyed by the refusal of a better list for the challenge of his son – that "the SPÖ Carinthia will continue to enter fully for a resurgence of social democracy" as in the past.


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