SS guard (94) in Münster court – News


Dr. Johann R., originally from Borken, reportedly worked between June 1942 and September 1944 as a member of the SS in the Stutthof concentration camp near the Polish city of Danzig. At least 27,000 people were killed during the war or died of malnutrition and lack of medical care.

Dortmunder's public prosecutor, Andreas Brendel, who is responsible for prosecuting Nazi war crimes by a commission of the North Rhine Westphalia Criminal Police Office, accuses the defendant of making atrocities possible through his activity as a security guard. As a result, he is charged with murder for helping a hundredfold.

The International Auschwitz Committee welcomes the beginning of the process: "We especially thank the camp survivors and their relatives for their courage and determination to testify in Münster as Co-Applicant," he said. Vice President Christoph Heubner.

"These will be painful days for all and, like all survivors, they had to wait indefinitely for German justice and justice."

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