"State objectors" demanded millions of judges


"State objectors" demanded judges millions

KREMS. Two years of unconditional incarceration were pronounced Wednesday in Krems against a "state opponent"

(Symbolfoto) Photo: colourbox.de

In addition, a sentence of suspended sentence of ten months was revoked. The allegations concerned the writing and others. to a bailiff and two judges. 58 years old did not respond to allegations, the process took place partly in his absence.

The accused – according to the sympathetic prosecutor of the sovereign movements – had not paid dues to the social insurance institution of the industrial economy. The man from the district of Amstetten should have threatened a bailiff, who was to collect the claims, with financial ruin.

"I am not the defendant"

In the letter sent by fax, it was read: Do not stop violating my human rights and my human dignity non-negotiable and unjustifiable by contracting the non-contractual obligation established by the People's Court. I therefore urge you to send other correspondence directly to the People's Court. "In addition, he claimed, according to the indictment, one million or five million euros.The recipients of the letters in the spring of 2017 and March 2018 were a two judges of the District Court of St. Pölten.The criminal case was transferred to the Krems Regional Court

The accused was brought Wednesday from detention.He had many documents as well as the Bible and the Criminal Code, it was Was arrested and did not want to sit down. "I am not the defendant, and I request a public record," said the 58-year-old. "Do you have the right to bargain on people? Check him out, "he told the judge on several occasions.The defendant prefers to defend himself, said his lawyer

" We have no Bible study here "

During the 39, audience of aldermen, a listener in the room was dismissed and denied permission to prison guards., The judge reviewed the charges, but quickly told the accused: "They do not respond to my A little later, he warns the man: "We have no Bible study, answer my questions." Because the 58-year-old man has continued to give lectures and quoted his documents, he was also removed from the courtroom.

The trial continued with witness interviews. "It was always a feeling of uneasiness when I arrived, "said the bailiff.Other recipient of a letter – a representative of the SVA – reported that the defendant had it suspended payments in 2014. From August to November 2017, the transfers were received – by whom, he did not know. Meanwhile, the amount has been settled.

Already the previous year in court

The 58-year-old man was in court in St. Pölten last year. By judgment of 18 May 2017, he was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment, including ten months of conditional imprisonment. He has already served the unconditional part of the sentence, now the rest has been put into action. "The conviction has apparently had no effect," said the judge, who described a "very rapid relapse" as one of the complications.

According to a judicial opinion, the defendant at the time of writing of the adherents of the imperial citizens. His ability to control behavior has been reduced, but not abolished. His debt has been slightly reduced. There was also a high risk of constant charges in the future.

The accused was found guilty of attempting to abuse power as a party, attempting extortion and attempting coercion. The prosecutor did not make any statement, the accused did not want to consult his lawyer. Thus, the judgment is not final

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