Storm damage: tedious cleaning on hold


In the only village of Rangersberg in Carinthia, Mayor Franz Zlöbl is claiming millions of dollars in damages. If the danger is already banned, difficult to badess, Zlöbl announced Tuesday evening at the same time that the State Studio Carinthia: "The cleaning work starts at night."

If it is the district captain of Spittal an der Drau, Klaus Brandner, it was often still too dangerous to start with cleaning, the same goes for the high Mölltal weitierhin inaccessible. The cleaning work proves to be a challenge considering the only damage caused by mudslides and floods. The town of Rattendorf in the district of Hermagor, for example, has been almost completely flooded.

Village of rats flooded after a dam break


Rattendorf was almost completely under water the day after the storm

Brandner also mentions the damage caused by the Fönsturm, including power lines and large wind jets: "In Asten, Rettenbach and the Upper Mölltal region, entire forest areas are on the ground" – more

Dam repaired temporarily

The situation remained tense for a long time in the face of the rising waters of the Drau Lavamünd. It was only late Tuesday night that the fire chief, Rudolf Robin, gave ZIB2 the green light.

Flood warning for Lavamünd

After hours of shaking, inhale deeply Lavamünd: according to Rudolf Robin, fire chief of Carinthia, the danger of flooding is prohibited.

There was another for a Drau power plant: damage to a retaining wall at the St. Martin-Rosegg Dam is only temporarily repaired with blocks. Further downstream, the center of Rosegg was flooded by the Drau. As everywhere in Carinthia, tedious cleaning is also expected – read more in

Pumping pipes for firefighters in Lavamünd

APA / Gert Eggenberger

In Lavamünd, the flood warning arrived until Tuesday night.

Damage caused by bad weather also in East Tyrol

The extent of the damage was also gradually reported on Tuesday in East Tyrol. Above all, the road infrastructure and deforestation measures of many rivers are affected, as announced by the state of Tyrol in a press release: "The damage will probably reach millions of people." Tyrolean governor Günther Platter (ÖVP) declared at a local inspection a financial support to the country. Meanwhile, the situation in East Tyrol has become more and more relaxed with falling water levels.

Several road links could be reopened on Tuesday morning. Grossglocknerstraße (B107), Drautalstraße (B100) and Felbertauernstraße (B108) have also been reopened – for more information, visit On Tuesday morning, the previously closed Arlberg railway line was again released between Landeck and Bludenz – more information about it in

Fortress Hohensalzburg is reopened

The state of Salzburg has also been severely affected by the night storm, in particular by the municipality of Muhr (Lungau). The civil protection alarm was to be triggered here. As of Tuesday noon, the situation has gradually improved and the level of water has dropped – more at

    Storm damage on the roof of Hohensalzburg Fortress

APA / State of Salzburg / Birgit Meixner

The Hohensalzburg Fortress has been seriously affected

There was great destruction in the Hohensalzburg Fortress. A strong gust of wind had partially covered the roof of Salzburg's landmark. The financial loss is at least 100,000 euros. Despite the heavy damage caused by Wednesday's storm, the fortress is again open to the public, but the trail leading to the Salzburg Monument, the courtyard and access to St. George's Church remain closed for security reasons – for more information about this, consult

Large regions of Austria affected by inclement weather

The storm that hit Austria on Tuesday night caused severe damage in Carinthia, Salzburg and East Tyrol. Other regions of Austria have also been affected.

Damage caused by a storm also in Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Styria

The big cleaning started on Tuesday in Lower Austria. Hundreds of firefighters and dozens of EVN troubleshooting engineers have been on duty since the night to repair the damage. Repairing poles, rebuilding ropes, cutting tree trunks: EVN's disturbance mechanics had full hands Tuesday – more details in

In Upper Austria, the storm caused a lot of damage, especially in the southern districts. 198 fire brigades had to move. In the morning, some roads were closed because of fallen trees. The storm peaked at 180 km / h in the mountains, even at 100 km / h in the lowlands – for more information visit

Styria was also affected by the storm. According to Energie Steiermark, about 6,000 homes without electricity were on Tuesday morning – the damage was removed since the stormy night – more at

Government announces quick help

Meanwhile, the government has announced "quick and unbureaucratic" help. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) still wants to get an idea of ​​the situation in the affected areas. On Wednesday, there will be an appointment with the governor of Carinthia, Peter Kaiser (SPÖ), and the crisis committee of the province of Carinthia.

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