Storm in Italy: Nine dead in flooded house saved


The accident occurred according to the information not far from Palermo to Casteldaccia. Italian media reported that the water level of a river had risen rapidly because of heavy rains in the region. The dead are members of two families and the victims include children aged one, three and 15 years old.

"A terrible tragedy struck us," said the mayor of Casteldaccia, Giovanni Di Giacinto, according to the Ansa news agency. The river has never presented any danger. Ansa also reported another dead man who was found dead in his car in the Sicilian Vicari. In addition, there is a doctor missing in the city of Corleone.

The dramatic hours were also due to heavy rains in the province of Palermo. In several communities, there has been severe flooding. A train derailed in Cammarata. There were no casualties on board, Civil Defense reported.

At least 30 dead in the meantime

For a week, much of Italy has been hit by heavy rains, storms and thunderstorms. At least 30 people were killed with the dead of Sunday night. Only on Saturday, on the island of Sardinia, two women, including a German tourist, died as a result of lightning. Another man from Trento also died after being struck by lightning four days earlier.

The situation in the north of the country was particularly bad. The head of the civil defense had called it "apocalyptic" for Veneto Saturday. Winds with a maximum speed of 180 km / h had caused destruction in the forests and roads were covered with landslides. In many places, electricity and drinking water were lacking.

100,000 hectares of forest destroyed

"100,000 hectares of forest were destroyed by landslides, roads need to be rebuilt, and we need to intervene immediately because the danger of depopulation in these mountain communities is concrete," said Zaia. 3000 volunteer workers are on duty to clean the streets after landslides and floods.

Venetian President Zaia has telephoned Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who plans to provide initial funding for the affected areas over the next week. The damage in Veneto has risen to one billion euros, Zaia said. Meteorologists are also expected in the area for Sunday with more thunderstorms and rain. Sunday, the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, wanted to go to Veneto.

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