Strache would have copied the publication of Baumgartner "


A Facebook message from the leader of FPÖ and Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache caused wonder on the national day. Strache posted a link to a critical text of the EU written by Tbadilo Wallentin. Strache's accompanying text would be identical to an entry in Stratosphere rider Felix Baumgartner, who repeatedly drew political commentary, as indicated on the Twitter account "FPÖ Fails".

On Strache's Facebook page, it seems that the phrase "Continue in the link below from Tbadilo Wallentin's FELIX" was also adopted, suggesting that Baumgartner's text was simply copied by Strache or his social media team . In the meantime, the entry has still been changed, now at the end of the publication "FELIX (note: BAUMGARTNER) Top! ?? HC".

The publication was documented on the Twitter account "FPÖ Fails":

The Vice Chancellor presents an article critical of the EU written by Tbadilo Wallentin on the occasion of the national holiday of today. For the sake of simplicity, he immediately copies the accompanying text v. Felix Baumgartners Posting – with his signature u. Spelling mistakes.
#copyandpaste #Steuerflucht

– FPÖ fails (@fpoefails) October 26, 2018


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