"Strict controls" for employees of BVT – Wiener Zeitung Online


Vienna. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Fight against Terrorism (BVT) is still in a state of agitation. Employees are even subject to "strict controls" recently, according to an internal article available at APA. According to them, "BAT employees should expect unannounced inspections and verification of the" clean office policy "of their workplace."

"If necessary, there will be baggage checks when leaving the building" it says in the minutes of the meeting. According to the minutes, the head of the BTS, Peter Gridling, informed the presidents of the departmental commissions of the BOD on June 14, 2018. These control measures are justified by the "Preservation Security and Information Security Act".

Big criticism of SPÖ and NEOS

The Ministry of the Interior did not comment on these inspections on request. In opposition, the controls meet criticism. Representatives of both parties interpreted this as an attempt by Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) to destabilize the Federal Office.

Jan Krainer, head of the SPÖ fraction at the BVT investigation committee, saw "a new indication". lie ". Kickl and the Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior, Peter Goldgruber, said that their employees had suspicions. "Kickl has long been intolerable as Minister of the Interior," said Krainer in a statement. NEOS security spokeswoman Stephanie Krisper was bored. The interior minister said that he was not part of the solution, but the problem. "

She expressed her belief that BAT should be destabilized and discredited in order to" justify remodeling in the house and attack other coloring reactions with the crowbar – this time on the lower levels. "

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