Successor Merkel: Merz and Spahn at the special session of the NRW-CDU


Düsseldorf / Berlin (APA / dpa) – After the CDU's Federal Executive Council, the national badociations are preparing for a change in the leadership of the party. The board of the CDU of North Rhine Westphalia gives its opinion Tuesday night at a special meeting of candidates.

Former trade union leader Friedrich Merz and Health Minister Jens Spahn, both members of this national badociation, are also expected. They are competing for the succession of the leader of the CDU, Angela Merkel, against the general secretary, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, and a number of unknown candidates.

However, a recommendation of influential NRW-CDU for one of the candidates is not to wait. The CDU country chief and Prime Minister Armin Laschet had already stated in advance that he did not believe in the in-camera vote of national badociations. Delegates from the CDU's federal party conference are expected to decide in early December. The CDU of North Rhine-Westphalia has a particularly important weight at the party congress in Hamburg with nearly a third of the more than 1,000 delegates.

Laschet had recently warned his party against a right turn under a new direction and at the same time criticized Spahn for his statements on refugee policy. Spahn, who, like Merz, belongs to the conservative camp, has long been considered an opponent of Merkel, while Laschet is a supporter of the Chancellor. Laschet had given up his own candidacy for the party presidency last week. The 57-year-old candidate will be proposed again at the Board of Directors meeting for one of the alternate positions.

Federal integration commissioner Annette Widmann-Mauz (CDU) has urged her party to deal constructively with immigration and integration. "It is important not to stop describing the problems, citizens do not want a description of the problem, but a solution to the problem," said the editorial network of the politician CDU in Germany (RND / Tuesday). "Yes, immigration also creates problems that need to be addressed, but our country has always enjoyed long-term immigration, especially when we deliberately opted for integration."

The head of the CDU state group of the Bundestag in North Rhine-Westphalia, Günter Krings, sees no danger of a right-wing turn of his party by any of the possible candidates for the party presidency. "None of the three questions concerns the course of the center," said the parliamentary secretary of the interior on Tuesday in the report WDR5 "Morgenecho". Anyone who follows Merkel to the party presidency, but the office "profiled" exercise, asked Krings. Merkel has been seen much more recently as chancellor and less as party leader.

Thomas Heilmann, member of the CDU's Berlin Parliament, badumes that the new president of the CDU or his new president insists on the essence of the party's brand. "The three candidates for the presidency of the party are closer to the core of the CDU brand than Merkel has ever been," said Heilmann of the "Rheinische Post" (Tuesday). Heilmann supports Kramp-Karrenbauer as chair of the CDU. "One will always wonder what change AKK brings to the CDU," he said.

Kramp-Karrenbauer has already officially been nominated as a candidate of its badociation for the presidency of the CDU: the regional council of Saarland-CDU on Monday unanimously appointed the former president of the CDU. State and the former Prime Minister. "First and foremost, we need a person who is at the helm of the integrating federal party, and we must succeed in re-establishing our wings," said Prime Minister Tobias Hans.

According to a survey, Merkel and the SPD continued to lose Merkel's approval. In the current trend of Insa opinions on behalf of "Bild" (Tuesday), the number of CDU / CSU stands at 24.5% and that of the SPD at 13.5% – every half percentage point lower to that of the survey of the previous week.

The Greens must give a percentage point and reach 19%. The AfD remains unchanged at 16.5%, the left at 11%, the FDP can increase by half a point to 10%. The other parties together represent 5.5% (+1.5).

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