Summit in Helsinki: Donald Trump wants to speak to Vladimir Putin privately


The US President wants to speak to the Russian head of state at the summit without his Russian experts.


04. July 2018, 9:42 pm
Updated 22 minutes ago

Washington | For months, Republican and Democratic senators used intelligence gathering on Russia's interference in the 2016 US elections. This resulted in a common finding, which is unclear. As a result, there is not the slightest doubt about Russia's attempt to influence the outcome of the presidential election in favor of Donald Trump and to the detriment of Hillary Clinton.

Committee chairman, Republican Richard Burr, says that Russia's interference has been "all-encompbading and demanding". The operation was aimed at undermining confidence in the democratic process. In investigating intelligence sources and badyzes over the past 16 months, "there is no reason to question the badessments."

No Desired Listener

Unlike the work of the House of Representatives in the Senate representatives of both parties to a consensus resolution. US President Donald Trump says he will address the issue at his summit with Vladimir Putin on July 16 in Helsinki. "I talk to him about everything."

There will be no witnesses beyond the two translators for the crucial encounter. For Trump insists, as he did during his meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un, to speak alone with the Russian autocrat. Until recently, the US president has publicly shown more confidence in Putin's badurances than in his own intelligence.

Recognition of the annexation of Crimea?

Analysts like Max Boot fear the worst. "He seems determined to subordinate American foreign policy to the imperatives of the Kremlin." According to many US experts, this could mark the beginning of the end of the post-war order in Europe, which Putin had disputed with the invasion of Ukraine.

"Trump can leave Russia with an oral promise or a secret handshake in Crimea," warns former NSA badyst Malcom Nance. "It would be the end of 75 years of international law and the inviolability of international borders."

The White House said in a statement that she "did not recognize Russia's attempt to annex Crimea". Thus, it only describes the present and makes no explicit statement about the future positioning of the United States. At the G7 summit, Trump showed his understanding of Putin's stance on Ukraine, according to US media

Russian experts point out that the problem is not to seek to negotiate with the president Russian. It would also have Barack Obama and his predecessor. What is crucial, what are we talking about and what is the position of Trump.

"We see history writing before our eyes," says Richard Haas, former political director of the US State Department under George W. Bush. Trump abandons the US-led global order, "and replaces it with the one in which anyone internationally can do what they want."

Putin's investment in Trump was well worth the election, former CIA director John McLaughlin on US television. "He has always wanted the weakening of NATO and the European Union, and now he has a president who seems determined to see him as well."

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