Summit of Primeval Hill discovered near Au


During the construction of the EVN wind farm at Au am Leithaberge (Bruck / Leitha District), archaeologists have made numerous discoveries and traces of Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements, for example. a burial mound (around 1600 BC)

The area where five windmills are built has been permanently inhabited since the sixth millennium BC. The EVN project leader, Stefan Sauermann, said Sunday in a release on discoveries that it was about "securing unique historical discoveries". "The cooperation with the Federal Office of Monuments and archaeological experts is going very well," said Sauermann

  Excavations EVN Windpark Au

EVN / Moser

Director of Excavations Judith Wiesbauer-Klieber, Mayor Herbert Mihaly and EVN project manager Stefan Sauermann vl) with the prehistoric tumulus

For Herbert Mihaly (ZUM), mayor of Au am Leithaberge, the results are a confirmation of the particular advantages of his region of origin: "We Our mission is to preserve this uniqueness and quality of life for future generations. I am happy that we can make a contribution to this wind farm project. "

Construction work is progressing rapidly alongside the excavations. The wind farm is expected to enter service in early 2019 as planned and provide ecological energy to more than 10,000 households in the region.


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