Syringes and warning labels for addicts'


Kleine Zeitung +

It is only this week that a Carinthian died of an overdose. Thus, there were already eleven dead this year. The Klagenfurt consultation service warns drug addicts with information leaflets on new ingredients.

By Kerstin Oberlechner | 05.55, 28 July 2018

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Eleven drugs in seven months: If nothing Carinthia is heading for a tragic record. The last victim, a 60-year-old girl from the district of Feldkirchen, died this week of a mix of drugs.
Although the police manage to punish drug networks, Carinthia is literally flooded with hard drugs. Among them are many unknown addictive drugs that are overdosed. "Many are ordered on the Internet – without knowing exactly what is sold," says Ernst Nagelschmied chief of drugs in Klagenfurt, advising Viva.

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