Tasteless video on the Grenfell brand: Six arrests


06.11.2018 19.06

Online since today, 19:06

Six men were arrested for a tasteless video of the fire in the Grenfell Tower in London. According to Scotland Yard, five men from the south of the British capital aged 19 to 55 have themselves faced the police.

Today, the investigators arrested another suspect at the age of 19. The men had burned a large model of the skyscraper with brown cardboard figures on the windows.

There is a laugh on a video that circulates on the Internet when a man calls, "Help me! Help me!" Another person says, "It happens to them when they do not pay rent." L & # The incident provoked strong protests in the social networks and relatives of the victims. Premier Theresa May called the video "totally unacceptable".

During the disaster, almost a year and a half ago, 72 people were killed. A small fire quickly spread into social construction. Fire safety requirements have been ignored. Above all, a new coating makes the skyscraper a deadly trap.

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