Tauernklinikum: no recovery by the SALK


For about two years, we have been talking about whether Tauernkliniks should be supported by SALK. An announcement from the ÖVP has caused uncertainty in the region. On Wednesday, a meeting between representatives of the state and the city of Zell am See said: "Due to the good work done in the Tauernkliniken both medically and economically, a transfer to the SALK does not make any difference. is not necessary, "says a statement from SPÖ Zeller.

Tauernklinikum: Municipality next legal entity

At the end of 2016, a working group was dealing with the medical and economic situation of hospitals. "After careful consideration of many arguments and the badessment of several scenarios, it was agreed that the municipality should continue to be legal entities of the Tauernklinikum," said the spokesman for the LH hospital -Stv. Christian Stöckl (ÖVP) on Wednesday in a show with.

The Tauernklinikum is the largest health care provider in Pinzgau. Discussion on the integration of the tauernkliniken tense Zeller ÖVP in December 2016. The reasons were, among others, the increase in losses and the fear of being responsible for health care in an entire region.

No hold of SALK: Zeller SPÖ satisfied

The medical concept, now created by the Tauernkliniken, is guaranteed Always in the future, a health service at the highest level in Pinzgau: "This ensures that many health policy decisions are still being made in the region, "said Andreas Wimmreuter, vice mayor of SPÖ. ) {
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