Tempo 140: Warning Against More Accidents


FPÖ Transport Minister Norbert Hofer announced that the two Tempo 140 test tracks will run from 1 August on motorways in Upper and Lower Austria. The Traffic Club Austria (VCÖ) warns against an increased risk of accident

Ironically, during the holiday season, when many families are on Austrian roads, the speed limit of 140 is introduced, critical the VCÖ. Not even a minute should be faster, according to traffic experts. But the risk of accident, fuel consumption and environmental pollution would increase. Only ten km / h of driving faster, extend the braking distance and this leads to more serious accidents.

Contradiction of Climate Objectives

At the same time lead this minimal increase in the pace to a maximum increase in polluting emissions. "This totally contradicts the federal government's goal of reducing the CO2 emissions of road traffic by a third," the mobility club criticizes. According to the VCÖ, CO2 emissions would increase by twelve percent at a speed of 140.

  Rage on the highway

ORF / Christian Öser

140 km increased risk of accident, fuel consumption and damage to the environment, warns the VCÖ. ] "Distraction of transport policy"

With his "Retropolitik", the Minister of Transport Hofer wants to divert attention from the real problems of transport policy, according to the spokesman of the green traffic Severin Mayr. For example, the lethargic expansion of public transport.


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