Ten injured in a fire in an apartment – salzburg.ORF.at


Ten people were injured in a fire in the city of Salzburg on Friday night. The fire in a multi-party house in Lehen District is likely to have erupted around 9:30 pm

A pbaderby reported smoke and flames on the fourth floor of the house. Shortly before 10 pm, professional firefighters were called to the stronghold of Salzburg. According to Werner Kloiber, deputy fire chief of the Salzburg fire brigade, the flames were already blazing from a fourth floor window of the multiparty building

"When our first forces arrived, the fourth-floor fire was already very strong. The flames were already blazing up to the fifth floor. We were able to extinguish the fire itself in ten to fifteen minutes. However, the problem was related to the size of the building and the number of inhabitants, explains Kloiber

Ten people suffered from smoke intoxication

Firefighters and Firefighters Volunteers were in combat with 41 men and 10 firefighting vehicles. For an hour, the house was searched for unconscious residents. Heavy smoke made the work of the emergency services more difficult.

Most of the inhabitants remained unscathed and were able to escape the flames on their own. However, ten people suffered from smoke poisoning and had to be brought in partially through the outside windows.

The cause of the fire still has not been clarified

The Red Cross carried the victims immediately into the internal emergency department. After an initial badessment, the fire investigator Walter Kittl can not yet give any reason for the fire.

"It is possible that someone has negligently caused a source of fire, for example, through a cigarette, and for the moment you can not exclude even a criminal fire. all directions, "says Kittl. This is only when firefighters have cleared debris from the fire that further research can be done.

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