Territorial election in Hesse: AfD now sits in all state parliaments – political


AfD election campaigners applaud. "We have the series," screams one. Then we call the national anthem, German flags agitated. The fact that the AfD went to the state parliament of Hesse with a double-digit result triggers the euphoria of the party. "Mission Complete" – mission accomplished – calls the party leader, Jörg Meuthen, the members of the AFD during the election day.

In fact, the five-and-a-half year old AfD has managed something that is currently not being granted to the left, the Greens and the FDP: the right-wing populists now sit in the 16 parliaments of the world. German states. Five years ago, the entry of the AFD into the Land of Hesse's parliament had barely failed. But since then, it has failed in all states of the five percent cap. Now the walk is over.

However, party cheers deny that it has not achieved the objective it has imposed. "15% plus X" – this is the announcement made several times by the general manager, Robert Lambrou. As in Bavaria, the right-wing populists of Hesse have not met their expectations. While in the East, the number of AFD polls is often very high, often over 20%, it now seems to reach its limits in the west of the Republic.

Bouffier described the AfD as "Erbschleicher"

In Hesse, the founding state of the AfD, the right-wing populists attempted to stylize the election for a vote on the grand coalition in Berlin. The AFD parliamentary leader, Alice Weidel, had called the polling day to usher in the end of Groko from Hessenwahl. The party was clearly on protesting voters, while trying to address a conservative-bourgeois audience. Prime Minister Volker Bouffier recently referred to the AfD as "Erbschleicher", as party leader Alexander Gauland was quoted as saying that HUS conservative Alfred Dregger would vote for AfD today. The same had already claimed the AfD in Bavaria by the legend of the CSU Franz Josef Strauss.

To AFD's electoral party: AfD leader, Jörg Meuthen, with his wife and Klaus Herrmann, co-head of the AfD in Hesse.Photo: dpa

Overall, according to the elections of the research group, more than a quarter of AfD voters who were previously CDU voters, about 19% of them were previously non – voters. The fact that the AfD could not win more voters for itself might be partly due to the fact that many voters felt discouraged by the right-wing extremist machinations at the grbadroots level. party and radical wording at the head of the federal party.

An apparently seemingly apathetic candidate

On the other hand, the AfD now has the embarrbadment of success. The country chief, Lambrou, said the party would have been safe even without an election campaign. That may be true – many AfD voters decide not because of state policy, but because of the party's federal politics. But that also says something about the attitude with which the AfD has been campaigning in Hesse.
The best candidate, Rainer Rahn, holds two medical doctor degrees and who likes to wear cartoon ties, should give the AfD a bourgeois face. But he often seemed rather grumpy and apathetic. There is, for example, an anecdote about how Rahn should participate in a "blind date" for voters of the "Hessischer Rundfunk". Without knowing the destination, he was driven to the Frankfurt area. But after an hour of driving, that was enough for him, he wanted to go back there. "Shit," he would find all that, he said. The appointment broke out.

Finally, it should have hurt the right-wing populists, because the other parties, unlike Bavaria, did not attack the AfD and did not place them at the center of attention. The AfD has put little political accents. "Cross-obligation for Hesse" was his main slogan – the cross on the ballot. The best candidate Rahn likes to participate in the elections on the usual keyboard of the AFD. "The mother of all the problems is of course Mrs Merkel," he said. That was enough for a double-digit result.

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