The AfD reportedly made a large-scale illegal donation in 2017 "


The alternative for Germany (AfD) apparently would have accepted a large illegal donation, according to an article in the press. The right-wing populist party had 2017, the year of general elections, apparently illegally received 130,000 euros from a Swiss company, reported Sunday the research network NDR, WDR and "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (Monday edition ).

The sum was therefore divided into several tranches of 9,000 Swiss francs for the most part. The money had been distributed between July and September at the district badociation of the AfD, Lake Constance, under the direction of the current head of the group, Alice Weidel, of the Bundestag . As a donation, the lender said: "Alice Weidel campaign donation". These busy bank statements, which the media could see according to their own information. As a result, payments come from a Zurich corporation, whose shares apparently belong to another MA.

According to the report, AfD itself now suspects that the donation was illegal. Weidel said on request that she had heard about the "uninvited" donation in September 2017 and that she had subsequently pleaded for repayment. There were "concerns about legality". The reimbursement was made according to the report but only in April 2018.

Weidel under pressure

Weidel is now under pressure in his own ranks: Ralf Özkara, head of the AfD in Baden-Württemberg, told the research network: "The person responsible for this major gift is bringing all who knew that such gift had been received. " If Weidel was aware, she would bear the "primary responsibility". If the donation is illegal, he expects Weidel to "withdraw from all offices and mandates".

Ulrich Müller of the LobbyControl badociation, which advocates transparency and democratic control, said the district badociation should have paid donations in accordance with party law. Weidel should take his responsibilities and resign. For years, development aid has benefited from millions of campaign aid, managed by an agency in Switzerland. This agency has also supported AFD politicians such as Jörg Meuthen and Guido Reil directly during election campaigns.


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