The air hostess Patrisha Organo turns off an unknown baby by plane and becomes a heroine


Manila –

For help when needed, the 24-year-old is celebrated around the world.

An air hostess of the airline "Philippine Airlines" recently acted selflessly during a flight and unexpectedly became a heroine.

In advance, Patrisha Organo knew that this flight would have something special, but for a reason quite different from what it would have been. Because after this flight, she would eventually qualify for the air hostess.

Patrisha Organo hears desperate cries

Shortly after the beginning, the young mother probably did not think about it anymore. Because she's witnessed riots on board: "Everything went well until I heard a baby cries – screams that push you to do anything to help in one way or another. "

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The flight attendant ran to the mother and the baby and asked if all was well. She saw that the little girl was hungry and advised the mother to give milk to her daughter.

Organo: "At that moment, I could only offer one thing"

Then the shock: "Tears in her eyes, she confessed that she had no more infant formula." Formula is a substitute for bad milk used when a mother can not or will not badfeed for various reasons.

At this point, Organo, who then shared the experience on the social network Facebook, felt a pinch to the heart.

There was no formula on board. I knew that at that time, I could only offer one thing: it was my own milk. So I offered him.

Patrisha Organo is married and herself mother of a nine-month-old girl.

Patrisha Organo is nursing a strange baby in the kitchen

What a heroine: Organo cared for the little girl in the kitchen on the edge of the kitchen in the presence of the relieved mother. "She started drinking like crazy, she was hungry," Organo wrote on Facebook.

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And further: "I fed the baby until he got asleep." When she had brought them back to their place, the little baby's mother thanked her sincerely.

Through emotional words, Organo ended his message on Facebook: "I was right: the robbery was special, not only because he'd called me as an air hostess. but also because I could help.I badfed a weird baby during a flight.Thank you, God, for the gift of bad milk. "

The Facebook publication becomes viral on the net

We are moving: on the net, the message has become viral and has been shared more than 30,000 times. Thousands of users have congratulated the young mother for her heroic and selfless act.

Her husband, Orson Organo, is proud of his wife. He shared the message on Facebook and wrote, "I'm married to a superheroine."

Exact text of the Facebook post:

I badfed a strange baby during a flight. Yesterday, I had to do a test flight to qualify myself as the air hostess. I already thought that this flight would be something special, because it would be a big step forward in my career. Everything went well until I heard the cries of a baby after the launch – cries that push you to do anything to help in any way or any way Another. I went to see the baby's mother and asked if everything was fine. I tried to explain to her that her baby is hungry and needs milk. With tears in her eyes, she confessed that she had no more infant formula. Other pbadengers started staring at the fragile little baby and so hungry. I felt a stitch in my heart. There is no formula on board a plane. I knew that at that time, I could only offer one thing: it was my own milk. So I offered this milk. Mrs. Sheryl Villaflor escorted the mother to the kitchen where I badfed her baby. The little girl started drinking like crazy, she was so hungry. I saw the relief in the eyes of his mother. I fed the baby until she fell asleep. I brought back the mother and the child to their place and just before leaving, the mother sincerely thanked me. I was right: the flight was very special, not only because it had me qualified as a flight attendant, but also because I could help. I badfed a strange baby during a flight. Thank you, my God, for the gift of bad milk. Patrisha Organo, air hostess and advocate for badfeeding.


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