The BAT case: Amon claims the Goldgruber suspension


The BAT case: Amon claims the Goldgruber suspension

VIENNA. There was "some waiting pressure" before the raid, Justice Minister Moser confirmed in the panel.

On Tuesday, the head of the VP faction, Werner Amon "of Koalitionsrson" in the BVT's investigative committee, lifted the crucial questions asked of Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FP). Yesterday, the non-aggression pact was again exhausted. Amon urged Kickl to test the "temporary suspension" of his secretary general, Peter Goldgruber.

The background: At the end of the summer, the Minister of Justice, Josef Moser (VP), instructed the prosecutor of Korneuburg to investigate the controversial search warrant of the secret services, including the story in which Goldgruber would have played a key role. Yesterday, Moser confirmed to the U Committee that in the meantime, many opinions had been received, mainly for malfeasance on the part of the authorities. Minister Kickl, his cabinet member Udo Lett, BVT Director Peter Gridling and the anti-corruption prosecutor Ursula Schmudermayer are also involved.

Because there is obviously a suspicion against Goldgruber and Lett, they are led as suspects. For both, the presumption of innocence applies. Amon recalled that at the beginning of the year following the BVT raid, Kickl had temporarily suspended Gridling in a similar situation. For Amon, for example, it would be "inconsistent" if a prosecutor had to seek the badistance of the police during the investigation of the highest official in the chain of command of the Ministry of the Interior. At the Minister's office, they did not want to comment on Amon's request.

The Minister of Justice, Moser, defended before the committee of the popular party the approach of the prosecutor Schmudermayer. The Higher Regional Court (OLG) Vienna subsequently confirmed the existence of a justified suspicion against BVT employees. However, Moser also mentioned a "certain waiting pressure" emanating from the Ministry of the Interior.

The testimony of computer experts that remote deletions of intelligence data would have been possible was particularly important for the raid, which would also have been disproportionate by the Higher Regional Court. An affirmation that later turned out to be false. Schmudermayer, who had previously appeared for the third time before the BVT committee, often avoided the testimony because she was the subject of an investigation for abuse of authority and false evidence.

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