The board will not force the double pass


The dual citizenship of the South Tyrolese is not an urgent issue for the governor of the Tyrol, Günther Platter (ÖVP). He will not impose the double pbad, he said at the end of the government meeting on Tuesday.

Its position on this issue is unchanged, namely that this double step in the direction of a European spirit can only be introduced in the framework of close coordination between Vienna, Rome, Innsbruck and Bolzano.

However, the elections in South Tyrol have now shown that dual citizenship "does not play this role at all". Asked to know if he was also pleading for the federal government to terminate the project, Platter said: "Personally, I convey my wishes."

Election result Shock absorber for double pbad

Despite the FPÖ's campaign support to its sister party in South Tyrol, the freedom of South Tyrol had to accept heavy losses in the parliamentary elections. According to political scientist Günther Pallaver, the subject of a double pbad would be in a vacuum, according to the political scientist: to know more about the outcome of the election is a drag on the double pbad.

Review of Südtiroler Schützenbund

Following the federal government's questioning of the dual nationality of South Tyrol, Platter strongly criticized the South Tyrol Shooting Federation. Many Austrians and South Tyrol forces support Platter, Chief Commander Elmar Thaler said in a broadcast.

"It's a pity and we would not have expected it," Thaler said disappointed. In 2014 again, during the commemoration speech in Meran, Platter had announced that he would have a very reliable partner in dual citizenship.

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