The budget increases sharply: JKU wants to expand its offer and recruit 30 professors


The budget increases sharply: JKU wants to expand its offer and recruit 30 professors

LINZ. The Marathon Negotiations in Vienna brought in an additional 55 million euros at the University of Linz.

The number of engineering and science students should be increased by 25%. This is one of the goals with which JKU is disputed. Image: Alexandre Schwarzl

From 11 am to 10 pm, Rector JKU, Meinhard Lukas, negotiated on Tuesday at the Ministry of Science the budget of Linz Kepler University. Governor Thomas Stelzer (vice president) was also in Vienna to convince the Chancellor and party colleague, Sebastian Kurz, of a clear budget increase.

The result was presented yesterday in the Linz country house: the JKU gets a budget of 55 million euros for the 2019-2021 service period, or 16% more in the non-medical sector. 60 million had been requested. "These are the toughest negotiations I've ever had – even as a lawyer," says Lukas. At the beginning of the year, there was talk of minus ten to over ten million in a ministerial document. Stelzer spoke of an "optimal trading result".

In total, the federal government exceeds Linz 's € 105 million over the next three years (plus 27%). Because 50 million euros flow for the faculty of medicine. This amount is part of the faculty's fixed plan, created in 2014.

The theme was also covered in today 's show by ON – TV:

The ongoing negotiations were on the 1.35 billion euros, which will be distributed by the federal government from 2019 to 2021 between the 21 universities. About a billion of them are new, 350 million being compulsory expenses such as additional clinical expenses in medical schools.

The 55 million represent 5.5% of the billion cakes. Up to now, the share of the total budget in JKU is 4.5% – too little from the point of view of Upper Austria, which contributes 17% to the national economic performance. This has been criticized again and again. "The JKU has now come to where it belongs," says Stelzer. Lukas pointed out that this year it was one of the largest budgets and strategic decisions of Austrian universities.

The industry reacts positively

According to Lukas, the extra money will be used for 25 new chairs, among others, to improve the case management ratios in the areas of law and business. Including medicine, there will be 30 new chairs. One of the objectives is the development of technical and scientific studies. In the six-year JKU development plan, the number of students active in the fields of technology and natural sciences has increased by 25%, thanks to the creation of their own degree program in mechanical engineering and to a major advertising campaign for the JKU in Germany and abroad.

"We urgently need additional funds at the Upper Austria industrial site in order to further develop the technological expertise and to be able to satisfy the above-average demand for STEM graduates," said Joachim Haindl-Grutsch , managing director of the Federation of German Industry. Chamber of Commerce President Doris Hummer speaks of "investing in the future", Grne-Klubobmann Gottfried Hirz of an "elementary stage". H-leader Edin Kustura calls for better conditions of study and development of education.

The Kepler University in figures

About 20,000 students are enrolled in JKU Linz: 8,000 at the Faculty of Law, 7,000 at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, 4,500 at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences and 540 at the Faculty of Science. medicine, created in 2014.

130 teachers teach in 127 institutes.

There were 626 graduates in MINT subjects in 2016/17 (last issue). Previously, it was 611, 566 and 538. The growth of these technical studies should be much stronger.

The budget of the JKU amounted to about 392 million euros from 2016 to 2018, of which 40 million for medicine. It will reach 497 million. In addition, about 99 million euros of third-party funds, such as companies.

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