The City again removes the "signature" of its official in the new pavers


The City again removes the "signature" of its official in the new pavers

STEYR. The head of construction of the magistrate apologized with humor, the mayor seeks compensation.

City left the

That's it: the Hingerl pavers have been removed. Image:

Spectators took yesterday with mobile phones and cameras the letters hidden in the new Steyr pavers before the air drill cracked. Mayor Gerald Hackl (SP) left in the morning to remove the signature bearing the signature, who was the City Council site official and City Hall colleague, Franz-Michael Hingerl, during the new construction with black and gray granite stones – ON only reported,

Among the pbaders-by, the devil had badured the official that he had played such an important role to immortalize in the sidewalk. The grotesque called a half-dozen television crews on the square in front of the town hall, whose cameramen were still trying to film one or the other of the letters hidden in the sidewalk "Hingerl".

The detachment became known to the magistrate, who, in the manner of a former member of the guild, wanted to put his name in the building, by an electrician from Steyr. He had lines on the square where he had discovered several letters and followed the line on which they were. As ON learned, Hingerl had planned four other special works for paving companies: As an artist signing his work, he wanted to complete the inscription of his name with the year "2018". But it did not come to that.

Hingerl's creative urge provoked a headache at the mayor's office. Mayor Gerald Hackl (SP) strongly condemned "the gesture committed at the age of twelve" and also warned against the personal act of the Hingerls. Hackl saw no reason to reject Hingerl as SP councilor: "He must now bear the consequences of this absurdity, which is a shame because he, as a site supervisor, did a great job, which he did not do. he personally damaged. "

"Of course," says the head of the town hall, the town of Hingerl also claims the cost of extra work from the plasterers, who represent a few hundred euros. Asked by some interviewees to leave the magistrate's name on the sidewalk as a curious sight, Hackl does not fit: "No, we do not want a pilgrimage for a missed idea, our visitors should rather enjoy the beautiful new place."

Franz-Michael Hingerl, who admitted in his entourage very repentant to have committed a big donkey, bravely resisted the hype yesterday. That he is one of the creative leaders of the mayor, he proved with an original explanation of his power failure. In an e-mail addressed to the construction consultant and Vice Mayor Helmut Zttl (FP), he apologized this morning, especially near the neighbors "H" ohlrieder, "I", "N", "Gerger," E "- Banking Oberbank," R "athaus," The eopold for the inconvenience caused by him. "Vice Mayor Helmut Zttl's reply proves that no one in the Affre should be a monster:" Excuses are accepted . "

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