The country protest briefly discussed the rise


Countries protest briefly during the hike

GRAZ. Lightweight in blue T-shirt and black hiking pants: This is how Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (VP) made the first hike during his summer tour "Uphill, Austria!"

<img src = "" width = "561" height = "315" title = "Länder-Protest beschäftigte Kurz beim Wandern" alt = "Kurz, Schtzenhfer and Wanderer Photo: APA / Erwin Scheriau

The Grazer Hausberg, the Scheckl, has traveled 600 meters of elevation gain, Short was accompanied by 2500 citizens – including political Weggefhrten such as VP Family Minister Juliane Bogner -Strau and Governor Hermann Schtzenhfer (VP).

The latter said in the hike a possible solution in childcare: C & Is about 30 million euros, I do not want to anticipate the talks, but there is movement. "As stated, there are mbadive criticisms of the federal states for the reduction of federal funds for the ## 147 ## 39, expansion of child care from 140 to 110 million euros. Even black country chiefs like Thomas Stelzer of Upper Austria did not care much about government

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