The Court of Auditors collects trial proposals from the public


The Court of Accounts is collecting ideas for future examinations in summer. Proposals can be submitted online or by mail by August 20th. According to the spokesperson of Rechnungshof, Christian Neuwirth, more than 100 examinations have been submitted in areas such as health, financing and construction. Therefore, President Margit Kraker again asks for specific suggestions from the population, where you should take a closer look, she told the Court of Auditors. Proposals can be submitted by e-mail, by post or as a direct message on the Court's Facebook page.

Neuwirth says that all proposals can not be included in the exam planning. However, some suggestions lead to independent reviews, others would supplement the current exams. "We are about to launch a traffic project in Upper Austria – it is because we have received information from the citizens we want to pursue," said Neuwirth. [ad_2]
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