The Critical Opposition Hofer For Tempo 140 «


Starting next Wednesday, motorists will be able to drive faster on two sections of the West Highway than before. The speed limit of 140 km / h will be tested on the A1 on two routes in Lower and Upper Austria from 1 August. The pilot project by Transport Minister Norbert Hofer (FPÖ) was criticized on Tuesday by the three opposition parties and the Greens of Upper Austria. The ÖAMTC can in principle imagine an increase in the limit.

"Tempo 140 harms the environment and constitutes a danger for road users", criticized Hofer's predecessor Jörg Leichtfried (SPÖ). "At 140 km, 20% more pollutant emissions than expected at 130. By comparing emissions to 100, emissions even increase by 50%," calculated the former minister Transport in a statement. Fast driving would also bring "little time" but a "much greater risk of accidents", warned the SPÖ National Council. "Fuel consumption, noise levels and the risks of accidents are increasing"

"Austria has a transport minister who does not care about road safety and a minister of transport. Environment that does not care about the environment, "criticized the club's chairman of the mushroom list, Bruno Rossmann. "It's obvious that a higher pace also means a higher emission of pollutants, so with the 140 speed, we're going even faster in the climate collapse." He also pointed out that in addition to environmental pollution, fuel consumption, noise levels and the risks of accidents also increase. Rossmann sees the pilot project as a "populist diversionary maneuver" of the government

"Puren Populismus" also said Greens of Upper Austria spokesman Severin Mayr. Hofer apparently wants to divert attention from the real problems of transport policy, but with more gas on the highway, they can not be solved, "Mayr said in a press release. had to speed up something, "then the expansion of Öffi," he demanded.

"Attack on quality of life"

NEOS criticized in a statement that Tempo 140 was expensive to the taxpayers because it brings "additional emissions and requires additional climate investments," said environment spokesman Michael Bernhard. "The Minister of Transport attacks the quality of life of Austrians here and not even ashamed. "The attitude is different."

The future pace 140 is not hostile to the ÖAMTC. After all, the upper limit corresponds to the desire of the Austrians, as revealed by a January survey. The Mobility Club is looking forward to the results of the one-year pilot project. "The old attempt of 160 km / h has shown that the legal regulations are better respected and the accident figures have even slightly decreased," said Martin Hoffer, Chief Judge of the FPÖ Hubert Gorbach 2006, in Carinthia. "This sometimes indicates a higher awareness of the danger."

In principle, the ÖAMTC may imagine an increase in the speed limit, but would prefer an electronic flexibilisation of speed limits, that is, to say via an overhead display. So the project was announced in the beginning. With ceiling screens, the speed limit can be reduced in adverse weather or traffic conditions.


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