The Czech Republic rejects the pact on migration and the agreement of Belgium falters


Prague – As expected, the Czech government is pulling out of the UN pact on migration. This was announced by Prime Minister Andrej Babis after a cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

The statement from the Foreign Ministry states that the UN agreement does not take into account the priorities of the Czech Republic, such as the clear distinction between legal and illegal migrants. It is also little mentioned that illegal migration is not desirable, as requested by the Czech Republic.

"We do not like the ambiguous distinction between illegal migrants and legal migrants in terms of social law, and deportations are not mentioned in the pact," said Foreign Minister Tomas Petricek.

Petricek had hoped that the Czech government could defend its rejection, even if more than 90% of the countries wanted to sign the pact. Prime Minister Babis had previously criticized the UN pact on migration. He said the pact "mitigates" the differences between illegal migration and legal migration.

Originally, the Czech government had considered accepting the UN compact on migration with some reservations. However, fearing that these objections were no longer relevant at the time of the approval of the pact, the group had decided not to adhere to the agreement, he said.

"Happy" of the Czech decision, said FPÖ Secretary General Harald Vilimsky. He badumes that more countries will follow. The "growing rejection of the pact on migration in several countries" shows that the federal government is on the right track, said the Secretary General of the ÖVP, Karl Nehammer, in a press release.

United Nations pact on migration also moves in Belgium

Belgium could also withdraw from the United Nations pact on migration. The spokesman for state asylum secretary Theo Francken of the Flemish nationalist N-VA told the daily newspaper From Standaard from Wednesday: "We do not sign this text." A spokesman for Interior Minister Jan Jambon (N-VA) said that there was still no determination from the government.

Especially in the N-VA, the UN pact on migration arouses great skepticism. In addition, Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel and Deputy Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, both liberal politicians, have publicly approved the text. However, under the pressure of the Flemish nationalists, the government decided last week to re-examine the pact.

Since its adoption in mid-July – at that time, 192 of the UN's 193 member countries – the United Nations Global Compact for Migration (MCA) has sparked lively debate in many countries. A non – binding pact will be adopted at a summit in Morocco on 10 and 11 December. "Austria, the United States, Hungary, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic have already withdrawn from the United Nations pact on migration.

Non-binding implementation

Austria, the United States, Hungary and Bulgaria had already withdrawn from the Global Compact. In many other countries, there is discussion of the UN document. The pact aims at a safe, regular and regular migration. The agreement includes a number of guidelines and measures the implementation of which is legal but not binding. The central issue is improving the international cooperation of the 193 United Nations Member States in migration policy and standards with regard to refugees.

A survey conducted by the CVVM Institute in October revealed that 68% of respondents refused to accept war refugees in the Czech Republic. This was an increase of ten percentage points compared to a similar poll of April. Only 24% of respondents were in favor of a temporary admission of these applicants, about 2% for a permanent. 1,023 people were interviewed from 13 to 26 October. (APA)

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