The difficult thing about GPL


D According to the BDEW Energy Industry Association, Germany could supply liquefied natural gas to the United States and other regions via factories located in other European countries, despite the absence of a LNG terminal. "In principle, Germany also has access to LNG via neighboring countries such as Belgium (Zeebrugge) or the Netherlands (Rotterdam)," said the chairman of the board of directors of the Federation of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW)

In a comfortable situation: "We have both a well-developed LNG infrastructure on European shores and well-developed natural gas transmission networks that reach the big gas fields. "Donald Trump, President of the United States and Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission During their conversation on the commercial dispute of the night, they had agreed that the United States would provide more of liquefied gas in Europe. "LNG can contribute to the diversification and flexibility of natural gas import sources in Europe, and with its logistical flexibility, LNG also ensures a strengthening of overall supply security," says Kapferer.

"Soybeans suddenly become very important to the president"

If and how much liquefied petroleum gas will be used in Europe, prices on wholesale markets are determined. Here, the pipeline and liquefied natural gas would compete. "Currently, the pipeline is often much cheaper in Europe, so liquefied natural gas is mainly supplied in Asia, and higher LNG prices can be achieved in this part of the world because it is generally not available here. "The management of the EnBW utility company has also been shown to be much more skeptical." Thomas Kusterer, Chief Financial Officer of EnBW, believes that the Liquefied gas from America is not competitive compared to other gas sources, according to the Uniper energy company, America will also play an important role in the future. 39, gas supply in Europe
. "The United States is likely to be the largest gas producer and exporter in the foreseeable future," said the utility.The US LPG will find its way. "Like the European natural gas market Urel for LNG is the most profitable because of its relatively short transport distances, the European LNG will be particularly important in the future. "Uniper has already concluded a 20-year supply contract for LNG to the States. -United. Delivery should begin next year. The gas does not have to come to Germany. Because even Uniper is likely to sell it where the best prices can be achieved, as in Asia.

Until will the agreement last? "The cow has not yet come out of the ice," said Minister of Economy Peter Altmaier (CDU). After all, as long as the Washington government and the European Commission talk to each other, they want to refrain from new tasks. Thus, the charges threatened by Trump on cars imported from Europe have been removed from the daily political agenda and also the list of retaliatory measures from the EU. But these big steps are not quite out of the table. In addition, US tariffs for steel and aluminum, which came into effect a few weeks ago, and subsequent European countervailing duties on bourbon whiskey, jeans and motorcycles "made in USA "continue to apply. We do not know yet where they will be removed.

The subject of soybean, for which Trump urgently needs buyers in the world, has apparently underestimated the European public. "Soy is suddenly very important to the president.We always thought cars were," wondered ifo trade expert Gabriel Felbermayr. Apparently, the threat of the EU, in the case of tariffs similar to those of China with counter-charges on American soybeans, had effect, he supposed. After all, soybean producers are a key constituency for Trump. This is already mbadively hit by tariffs on China's main customer, to the point that the US government is forced to billions of dollars in subsidies.

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