The dispute over dogs intensifies: wounded animals and men


Two dog owners and their very different animals – a knee and a dog list – clashed on Wednesday in a park in Vienna-Brigittenau. Bipeds all rely on self defense and accuse the dog of the other having bit first. The four men were injured and one of the two men was sent to custody, but because of a different story, according to police.

Owners of dogs of the same age (30) met in a park near Dresdner Straße. Listenhund Herrl wants the Maltese keeper to take his animal on a leash. Her owner has just scolded and let the little white dog continue to run freely. The other threatened with the police and hung on the heels of the man. He was then beaten in the face by the other dog owner, and the Maltese had fallen on his four-legged friend, a mix of American Staffordshire Terrier and Dogo Argentino.


With facial wounds, scratches and bite marks on the fingers, the man reported the incident of a patrol with a patrol dog. Even his pet, for which he has a dog bill, said, according to police spokesman Paul Eidenberger: "The Maltese boy added that the dog on the list apparently bites in the forelegs and head.

Police found the man and the dog in a neighboring apartment. Maltese were injured in the hip, chest and mouth. The 30-year-old opened the door with traces of blood on the leg of his pants and a bite to the index finger. According to him, he was insulted and motivated, he had used a leash anyway. His opponent had also hit him first, which he had ended with broken glbades.

drug offense

The fact that the owner of the pet dog has been transferred to custody at the end has nothing to do with the ongoing incident. The police have concluded that the prosecutor's office in Vienna has been detained, which should constitute an offense for bodily harm. During the arrest, police discovered about 40 cannabis plants and 65 grams of cannabis at home, which he justified by "personal use".

The rescue of the animals took back the little Maltese. The men were reported for mutual aggression and under the Vienna Animal Welfare Act. Both must be in good health, apart from other disorders, subject to unpleasant rabies prophylaxis, said the police spokesman.

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