The EU also wants to include Jordan in the negotiations on Syria


Istanbul / Berlin (APA / DPA) – The European Commission has delivered before the summit on Syria in Istanbul in favor of the inclusion of Jordan in efforts to pacify the country devastated by years of conflict. "I am convinced that the West should involve Jordan in the negotiations and use them as an intermediary," said Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Affairs, of Die Welt newspaper (Saturday edition). ).

On Saturday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Russian, French and Turkish heads of state – Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Macron and Recep Tayyip Erdogan – met in Istanbul for talks on the future of Syria.

Hahn pointed out that Jordan would probably be the most reliable broker of all countries in the region. The Kingdom maintains regular relations with all its neighbors and reliable channels of communication. "In addition, Jordan is a relatively secular country where religious conflicts do not play a large role, which tends to increase its acceptance in the region," said Hahn. However, it is generally important that negotiations on peace in Syria continue under the auspices of the United Nations.

All previous peace talks under the leadership of the UN, however, have failed. Even a constitutional committee adopted last January with government officials and the opposition has not yet been formed. In Istanbul, the four countries want to talk in particular about the situation in the last rebel stronghold, Idlib, in northwestern Syria. In addition, it should aim to put the political process back on track.

~ WEB ~ APA007 2018-10-27 / 00: 52

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