The EU and Japan want to seal free trade agreements


Together, the EU and Japan have more than 600 million inhabitants. The agreement also serves as a signal to US President Donald Trump, whom the EU and Japan blame for foreclosure policy. The EU actually wanted to create a free trade zone with the United States called TTIP, but negotiations have been suspended since Trump's arrival. The Republican criticizes current FTAs ​​because they think they put the US economy at a disadvantage.

Japan wanted to form the TPP of the Trans-Pacific Free Trade Area with the United States and ten other countries. Trump, however, also exploded this project. Subsequently, the EU accelerated its negotiations with Japan. The Pacific Trade Agreement was concluded without the United States

The EU-Japan agreement was to be signed last Wednesday in Brussels. Because Japan had to deal with a meteorological disaster last week, the EU proposed to postpone the summit to Tokyo and relocate to Tokyo.

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