The European Parliament calls money from right-wing populists


Strasbourg. Right-wing populists in the European Parliament have to repay about 544,400 euros in illegal fees. This decision unanimously decided Monday evening, the Presidium of the European Parliament, announced a spokeswoman. Parliament Speaker Antonio Tajani and his 14 MPs responded to a request from the Committee on Budgetary Control.

According to the figures, the group Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF) improperly billed nearly 478 000 € in 2016 alone – for more than 230 bottles of champagne, gourmet menus for more than 400 euros per person and expensive Christmas gifts for employees. During the past year, the Committee on Budgetary Control has complained more than 66 400 euros.

According to the Committee, Parliament's administration has already withheld nearly 600,000 euros from the 2018 NFE allocation because of the irregularities found. On the other hand, the Group can now apply to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg

Complaints have been lodged by an independent auditor and the parliamentary oversight committee, in particular very high hospitality expenses, such as the l. invitation of the "industrialists" in Paris. Noble restaurant at the price of 449 euros per person.

In another Parisian restaurant, the parliamentary group "Diplomatic Affairs" paid two menus for the price of 401 euros each. According to the French bulletin "Canard Enchaine", the president of the former National Front (FN), Marine Le Pen, had invited the leader of the Italian xenophobic party Lega and the current Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini.

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