The ex-bodyguard of bin Laden in detention after being deported


The alleged Islamist Osama Bin Laden, Sami A., was arrested in Tunisia after his expulsion from Germany. The German authorities have transferred A. to Tunis today, where he was immediately arrested, AFX spokesman for the Tunisian counterterrorism prosecutor, Sofiene Sliti, said

The liberator was l & # 39; 39, former bodyguard of the killed in 2011 The leader of al-Qaeda Osama and trained in Afghanistan

The court banned deportation

The Tunisian citizen A. had wanted to prevent his deportation: only yesterday the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court decided that: could be deported. There is no "diplomatic commitment on the part of the Tunisian government" that he is not threatened with torture.

According to the court, the Tunisian filed an asylum application in 2006 claiming that he was not threatened with human rights violations.

came to Germany in 1997

Born in 1976, A. came to Germany in 1997 to study in Germany. He is accused of following military and ideological training in 2000 in an al Qaeda camp in Afghanistan and sometimes belonging to Osama Bin Laden's bodyguard. Subsequently, he allegedly operated in Germany as a Salafist preacher

The complainant denies these allegations on the part of the court. The federal prosecutor's office opened a criminal investigation against him, but he was finally suspended for lack of sufficient suspicion.

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