The first picture of the boys after the rescue


The young soccer player was rescued from a cave in northern Thailand and her trainer survived the long underground period, according to their doctors. However, you must stay in the hospital for later observation. In a first clip, the boys waved the hospital bed. They are in a good mood, despite the drama that they have had to endure.

"Guardian" journalist Mihaly Safi posted the short video on Twitter


– michael safi (@safimichael) July 11, 2018

Dr. chaiwetch showed photos and videos of Moo Pa #ThaiCave #moopa Families visited them. #tgaicaverescue @safimichael @ayaye

– veena T. (@veen_th) 11 July 2018

Jacks in very good condition mental state

The last of them had been safely released Tuesday night from the stalactite cave. According to an article in the press, the action could have gone wrong: shortly after the rescue, the main water pump failed.

The doctor Thongchai Lertvilairattanapong hailed "the very good mental health" of the boys and their coach at a press conference Wednesday in Chiang Rai. "It's probably because they've spent all the time together as a team, where one was helping the other."

  The boys of Thailand
© Ekkapol Janthawong / Facebook

A week at the hospital

"All are in good physical health, without fever nor serious infections, only three of them. between them have mild pneumonia "the doctor. The entire group – twelve boys aged 11 to 16 and their 25-year-old coach – would stay in the hospital for a week to ensure their subsequent treatment.

Therefore, junior footballers can not attend the World Cup final. Moscow, to which she invited FIFA President Gianni Infantino. However, the doctors badured that they could watch the game on TV.

© APA / AFP / Paul Ellis

Pogba dedicates a victory in the semifinal to boys

One of the players who will fight Sunday for the World Cup in Luschniki has already sent his greetings Russia in Thailand: Midfielder Paul Pogba tweeted that he dedicated his Frenchman's 1-0 win against Belgium to the young survivors: "This victory goes to the heroes of the day, Congratulations guys, you are so strong. " [19659015] The youth football team was surprised on June 23 by a trip to Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang stalactite cave No about 1000 kilometers north of Bangkok by mbades of water. It was only after nine days that the group of divers was found. Rescue has become a fight against time and time. In Southeast Asia is currently the monsoon season with heavy rains.

  Underground Tragedy Cave Tham Luang Thailand Diver
© Facebook / Thai Navy Seals

It almost came to disaster

For the rescue it was necessary to pump large amounts of water from the cave to lower the water level, The British newspaper "The Guardian" reported Wednesday, citing three Australian divers involved, that Tuesday night failed at the main pump, after which the level rose rapidly. At the time, divers and rescuers were still busy picking up equipment. The remaining 100 workers in the cave ran into a wild escape at the exit, the newspaper reported.

  Cave of Tham Luang Cave Thailand

  Tham Luang Thailand Cave Cave Drama

The experts had hardly thought that it was possible to take the team out of their refuge safely, four kilometers from the most commonly flooded cave. The return to the surface of the Earth took several hours each. None of the players had experience diving, which is why they were towed by professionals.

The spectacular rescue may soon be on the big screen. Such a film could inspire millions of people around the world, said Michael Scott, executive director of American production company Pure Flix Entertainment, in a video message on Twitter

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