The former Pakistani Prime Minister Sharif and his daughter arrested


Security forces on Friday arrested former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif after returning from overseas to the East Pakistani capital of Lahore. His daughter and political heiress, Maryam, was also arrested, a National Accountability spokesman, Nawazish Khan, confirmed in the evening

both were flown to Islamabad, capital city of Rawalpindi City. Millions of Pakistanis watched the political show mainly through social media.

Condemned to Corruption

A Pakistani court sentenced Sharif, a three-time prime minister and considered one of the most powerful politicians in the country, to ten years in prison for corruption a week ago sentenced . Maryam Nawaz was imprisoned for a total of eight years. In one of the three lawsuits against several Sharifs, the verdict focused mainly on financing expensive housing in London. Other judgments are still pending. The father and daughter were in London, where the woman hit by the cancer of Sharif is treated.

Sharif's ruling PML-N party is a popular party. Tens of thousands of supporters and party members rallied Friday in many cities for large demonstrations and protest marches. In Lahore, where the political clan has its base, according to media reports 19,000 policemen in action. The roads were largely blocked with containers. In some parts of the city, mobile phone networks and Internet reception have been disabled. The media followed the road of online theft and reported that it was landing.

"Political Conspiracy"

Sharif's supporters called the trial a "political conspiracy." Many suspect that the powerful military, with whom Sharif is crossed, have had their hands in the game. The decision and the public arrest could have an impact on the chances of Sharif's party in the July 25 general election.

Mohammad Mehdi, a senior PML-N politician and Sharif advisor, said that PML-N supporters would appreciate the "will to fight". They wanted to show before the elections that they were not broken. They were expecting a big wave of sympathy. They would also appeal and should then be released. "So it's not like they were spending years in jail."

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