The FPÖ at war with Van der Bellen


In fact, it took a surprisingly long time, but at least since Wednesday, the honeymoon between President Alexander Van der Bellen and the new federal government in general and the FPÖ in particular is over. On the contrary, it now looks more like a political war: Van der Bellen reprimands the unprecedented attacks of General Föhr, Harald Vilimsky ("drunk"), on the EU leader, Jean-Claude Juncker, as " unheard. " Vilimsky then calls the Federal President in AUSTRIA a "Frustrated Greens" (see below).

  • First in AUSTRIA. It all started with the interview of the Sunday of AUSTRIA with Van der Bellen last weekend. Exceptionally, the president criticized the government's anti-refugee policy: "Everyone who comes to our country and asks for asylum must be allowed to do so." Everyone knew what VdB meant: Herbert Kickl, minister of Inside the FPÖ

  • CETA-Stop. VdB had angered the government the day before by stopping the CETA trade agreement for the time being. He was applauded by those FPÖ politicians in the government who had previously voted in favor of CETA

  • Against Vilimsky and Kurz. But then came the Vilimsky Causa – and a UN interview with the president with clear announcements: Vilimsky's attacks "hurt the reputation of Austria," according to VdB. "Vilimsky arrives in a way that I have hardly ever experienced, the insults are dirty. And then it's also against Chancellor Kurz: "To say, nothing to say about it, I feel too little."

  • Also Kunasek in tourist sites. And because that is not enough, Mario Kunasek, the Minister of the Interior of the FPO, has also gotten rid of his fat. A UN mission in Ukraine is currently not possible, said VdB: "Our capabilities are completely exhausted."

And the FPÖ? She stood behind Vilimsky and accused VdB of partiality: "Where was the president when an ÖGBler called for the overthrow of the government?"

Vilimsky: "VdB is just a frustrated Grüner"

AUSTRIA: The President calls his attack on the EU leader, Juncker, unprecedented

Harald Vilimsky: That does not leave me indifferent. Van der Bellen is also just a frustrated green guy. And it is one of those EU establishments that I have always criticized.

AUSTRIA: But you have no evidence that Juncker was intoxicated at the NATO summit and has always claimed it.

Vilimsky: Da Is there enough evidence on the internet, he called the dictator Orbán, tapped the statesmen. In Brussels, on the diplomatic floor, you also know it.

AUSTRIA: Then Juncker should resign – and silence VdB?

Vilimsky: I would not have said it so little diplomatically, but yes: Juncker should resign because it is Europe

AUSTRIA: Are you also asking for the resignation of the Federal President ?

Vilimsky: I will not threaten to resign, although I can not help saying, I do not feel represented by him. He is elected, but he does not act in a non-partisan way. He is not my president

Juncker makes fun of the FPÖ

Brussels. The head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, denied being drunk at the NATO summit. At FP's resignation request, he literally said, "I'm laughing at your strings." He wondered how many Sciatica experts there were in Austria, Juncker mocked


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