The FPÖ OÖ invites Matteo Salvini for a catfish holiday – Upper Austria


In the case of the Upper Austrian FPÖ, the decision of the Insular Council of Majorca, according to which the Italian Minister Matteo Salvini was declared "undesirable" because of his controversial migration policy, is met with incomprehension . In a joint broadcast, that the blue governor's deputy Manfred Haimbuchner and mayor Mayor Andreas Rabl know that the Italian politician is welcome.

visit to the Welser Volksfest

They invite him expressly in Upper Austria and Wels, "I would be happy if the Minister of the Interior Salvini visited my homeland of Upper Austria, from the Mühlviertel to Salzkammergut, where you can enjoy Upper Austria, "says Haimbuchner. "Minister of Interior Salvini is expressly welcome to Wels, either to the traditional Welser Volksfest or as a cyclist in the Wels cycling region, the invitation is", directs Rabl.

The decision of the island council is disproportionate. Salvini initiated a process of reflection on immigration policy in Europe and helped to prevent an unregulated influx into Europe.

The invitation to Lega Nord's politician was also published by Haimbuchner via Facebook. Sometimes it has not responded yet.

Kickl and Strache at Salvini in Rome:

Kickl and Strache at Salvini in Rome

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