The government slows the health insurance companies'


Constitutional concerns and warnings about supply shortages. These are the answers to the "spending brake" for social insurance.

14.57, July 06, 2018

© APA / ERWIN SCHERIAU [19659009]

ÖVP and FPÖ do what they want: after having preferred the flexibility of working time, they hastily decide on a "brake on the expense" for social insurance and thus the health of doctors and doctors. workers. Constitutionalists are also skeptical about these provisions being brought before the VfGH. Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein (FPÖ) kalmierte

Extensive measures for social security funds were introduced discreetly into the law on the protection of adults Thursday. They stipulate, in particular, that construction projects must be stopped and that the doctors and senior managers of the insurance companies and the principal badociation can not be appointed until the end of 2019 or that their fixed-term contracts can not be extended. until the end of 2019.

SPÖ identifies unconstitutionality

] The SPÖ has already sharply criticized the draft Thursday at the National Council and made the constitution unconstitutional in the room. These concerns also shared constitutional rights on Friday. The measures would represent an interference in constitutionally guaranteed self-government: "I can hardly imagine that this will stand before the VfGH," Theo Öhlinger said in conversation with the APA. Heinz Mayer does not consider that a general prohibition on hiring physicians is admissible.

The Social Security Federation insisted that they had been working with great responsibility for decades. "The financial judgment prescribed by law is unfortunately a very clear sign of distrust," criticized Hauptverband-Chef Alexander Biach . He hopes the details will be clarified and warns that this short shot will lead to bottlenecks in the supply.

The House of Doctors severely criticizes

Johannes Steinhart Vice President of the Medical Association, also warned to freeze spending on services in the private sector over the next 12 months. He criticized the fact that in contractual negotiations, only the financial situation of the health insurance funds should play a decisive role and no longer the need for health insurance. Therefore, the new procedure must be discussed during the summer.

The famous president of the Union of Workers was also indignant. She criticized both the "aggressive" approach and the "mbadive changes" to social security. The "spending brake" has mostly blocked the supply of quality services: "In the end, the insured feel they feel outrageous," said the head of the AK [19659017]. The WGKK or Styrian GKK saw projects before the end; The VGKK locates in the bill a measure of the measures "show effect" and in Burgenland Umfärbeaktionen


"The scandalous" called the president of the health insurance of the district of Salzburg Andreas Huss the decision: implies that we are unable to control our expenses and that we spend more than we receive. "The SGKK has managed cautiously in recent years and has always represented a slight increase.It is not yet foreseeable what the decision of the law would mean for the fee agreements with the Salzburg Medical Association that are being prepared Assigned are also needed new doctor's offices. "An extension of the offer is not possible." The approach thwarted Huss: "This is an unacceptable interference in our autonomy and our autonomy "

Minister of Social Affairs Hartiner-Klein calmed down, and pointed out that the" alarmist tactics "of health insurance were unfounded.To reform the social insurance system and mbadively reduce the number of carriers and officials, regulations for the transition period are needed, said the head of department.In any case, there will be no redundancies due to r Structural reforms or bottlenecks in supply: "The reform will not lead to any reduction in benefits for patients".

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