The grain drying plant burned: 100 emergency services were on hand


Burned grain drying plant: 100 field forces were on site

THALHEIM / WELS. Seven firefighters with a hundred emergency personnel stood at night in an agricultural estate in Thalheim near Wels (district Wels-Land) in the Lscheinsatz on Tuesday.

Seven fire brigades were deployed. Image: Matthias Lauber

Around 23:30, the wife of the farmer becomes aware of the fire. During the inspection in the economic wing, the owner noticed a strong smoke in the drying area and alarmed the firefighters.

In order to be able to abolish the fire, the work groups and the farmer had to carry five tons of grain by conveyor. As the water supply is insufficient in the area of ​​the property and the local water level is low due to drought, we continued to solicit tankers, "said Josef Feichtinger, responsible for firefighters near Wels.

To remove, the openings had to be cut in the drying installation with a cut-off crusher.Further, the plant was flooded with foam and controlled by means of a Thermal Camera on Glutnester

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