The inhabitants heard noises in the garden: Biber gnawed the fence


The inhabitants heard noises in the garden: Biber gnawed the fence

WELS. Volunteers from the Wels Volunteer Fire Brigade were called for an unusual rescue of the animals: after discovering noises in the garden, they discovered a beaver that was already gnawing at the fence of the garden.

Biber gnawed at the fence of the garden

The rodent has been captured and returned to the undeveloped nature Image:

Unusual visit to the garden of the people next to the Mühlbach family house in Wels-Lichtenegg: the rodent had already begun crumbling the bottom of the fence slats.

Biber gnawed in the garden at the fence of the garden

The beaver had already eaten the slats of the fence. Photo:

The owners alerted the fire department, which caught the beaver and brought it back to nature in a transport box coming from the densely built area.

Here you see the video for the unusual rescue of animals:

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