The investigation of the Facebook data scandal is being expanded "


The investigation of the distribution of Facebook to the consulting firm Cambridge Analytica is being developed in the United States according to a news report. The focus will be on the actions and statements of the group, reported the Washington Post, citing people close to the record

. The Securities and Exchange Commission, for example, is involved in the investigation. "We are working with US, British and other agencies," says Facebook on request of Reuters

Facebook has been under pressure since it became known that the British company Cambridge Analytica Information from more than 87 million users used to support the election campaign of US President Donald Trump. According to the report, it will also investigate what Facebook has publicly reported on its exchange of information with Cambridge Analytica. The paper also examined whether these representations were correct and whether the public and investors had received sufficiently complete and timely information, according to the newspaper.

(APA / Reuters)

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