The King of Morocco: the government must improve social conditions | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


Rabat (APA / AFP) – King Mohammed VI of Morocco. called on the government to "urgent action" to improve social conditions in the country. He "feels" that the country "continues to lack something in the social sphere," said the king in a televised address Sunday evening.

He notably called for a system of registration of families eligible for social programs, as well as improvements in health and education. Morocco is characterized by extreme social inequalities and youth unemployment is high. The index on human development ranked the North African country at number 123 out of 188 in 2017.

The king spoke to Al-Hoceima in northern Morocco where there had been a protest movement in 2016 and 2017 against social and economic inequalities. The media has speculated in recent days about the pardon of the arrested and condemned activists of the protest movement. Mohammed VI. however, did not comment on the protests in his speech.

An official statement later revealed 1,200 pardons pronounced Sunday. Information on the fact that there were also supporters of the protest movement was not made. According to media reports, no members of the movement were pardoned.

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