The majority of Germans support rescuers deprived of distress


Survey :
The majority of Germans support private maritime rescue services

  Survey: The majority of Germans support private distress relief services

The German ship "Lifeline" in the port of Malta: A majority of Germans support private maritime rescue services.
Photo: dpa / Annette Schneider-Solis

Berlin A large majority believe that private maritime rescue in the Mediterranean is the right choice. When asked where the refugees should be taken, the Germans are divided. This resulted in a survey.

According to a recent survey, a large majority of Germans support private maritime rescue services in the Mediterranean. As a result, 75% of Germans believe that private aid organizations are saving refugees from drowning. Only 21% are against. This is the result of a representative survey conducted by the Emnid opinion research institute for "Bild am Sonntag."

38% think rescuers support the activity of tugs. However, a majority of 56% do not believe it. The Germans are divided on the question of where people should be saved in the Mediterranean. Forty-three percent were in favor of North Africa, 42% of those allowed to go to Europe.

Only seven percent want Germany to receive more refugees than before. Thirty percent said that about the current number should be recorded. 42% want it to be less. Eleven percent oppose any registration.

For the survey, Emnid interviewed 505 representative people on July 19th.

(who / epd / KNA)

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