The media reveal too many appalling research publications «


According to international media research, about 400,000 researchers worldwide have published articles in journals of so-called predatory journals in recent years. In Austria, the "Zeit im Bild 2" and the weekly "Falter" participated in the revelations, in which several hundred cases relating to Austria were discovered, according to the ORF.

According to a report from "science.orf." Over the past 18 years, more than 120 studies with Austrian authors have been found "by the OMICS publisher alone. Much of this comes from medical institutions, "but also the country's leading universities, various research institutes and pharmaceutical companies are on the list," she said Thursday.

Also lectures of dubious scientific value – including events held in Vienna took place – the ORF journalists followed. For example, 390 authors linked to an Austrian research institution appeared at the WASET conference organizer between 2006 and 2018.

High publication pressure in science

According to reports by German broadcasters NDR and WDR and the "Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin" More than 5,000 German scientists have already published research results on rogue publishers who do not abide by the basic rules of scientific quality badurance. The number of scientific publications in these questionable online journals has therefore increased considerably in recent years. According to research, the figures for five of the largest publishers have tripled in the world since 2013 and even fivefold in Germany [19659003] According to statements, publishers of burglaries use the pressure of publication, which relies on scientists , and e-mail addresses. Those who published results against payment of fees partly high in Internet journals published by companies in Southeast Asia, the Gulf region, Africa or Turkey.

In recent years, many "purely electronic journals have been built". seeking to submit scientific papers, said science researcher Ulrike Felt of the University of Vienna at APA. There is "an incredible hunt for authors". Many of these newspapers have names and online presentations similar to those of prestigious journals.

Errors Not Excluded

Researchers with a lot of experience probably do not have the same problem. It can not be ruled out, however, that even someone of a "higher quality clbad" has erroneous offers. The lesser-known scientists and young researchers "who believe they can not get into good mainstream journals, because the hurdle is too high," are more likely to be affected by the pressure of publication, according to Felt

. as the international practice before the release of other experienced scientists to submit for review – in order to keep in the usual in the scientific community "peer review process". However, according to the research, this usually does not happen. In addition, scientists apparently targeted the services of these publishers, who quickly published contributions to the research.

Quality Assurance Measures in Austria

The phenomenon of these frivolous magazines was known for years already. Some time ago in Austria, quality badurance measures had started to be put in place and were "not in a bad position," said Falk Fischer FKF, an open access expert at FWF Science Fund. , APA. The FWF, which focuses on the promotion of basic research, and 20 other national research institutions only fund and recommend journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), in which quality reviews are conducted. transparent. In any case, the credibility of science as a whole is not questioned by Reckling with regard to the phenomenon of flight editors.

German Research Minister Anja Karliczek called for a thorough investigation of undesirable developments in scientific publications. It was "in the interest of science itself". However, it should not come to "premature convictions of individuals", as the "overwhelming majority" of scientists in Germany apply the principles of good scientific practice.


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