The murder trial continues in September "



The Landesgericht Wiener Neustadt has a trial for murder against a 59-year-old man started Thursday . Lower Austria reportedly killed a 70-year-old man in his apartment at Neunkirchen with 35 stab wounds, the victim was found dead on 11 October of the previous year by a friend. The defendant did not plead guilty. A verdict is expected on September 25th.

According to the indictment, the 70-year-old man allegedly inflicted 35 stitches on the head, neck and upper body, seven of which pierced the lungs and two the heart. In addition, the prosecutor accused him of false evidence, because he said on April 4 during a witness hearing by police officers, that he had learned the murder only by a phone call and had never been in the victim's home. A comparison of DNA traces on the scene had led to 59 years. It is said that divorced early retirement had an on-off relationship with a resident of the residential complex where the 70-year-old man lived

Defender Michael Dohr pointed out that his client did not have a job. was not the offender, he asked for an acquittal. The lawyer saw "mishaps" in the investigation. Thus, for example, the date of the crime taken by the prosecution on the basis of a testimony and the remains of food found in the belly of the victim could not be correct on October 8, 2017 at 12:30, because a woman had seen the victim the next day. In addition, according to the legal representative, the profile of the movement does not coincide with the allegations – the 59-year-old cell phone was only connected on October 8 from 12:55 at the scene

A defendant's motive does not give it, said the defender. An offender who kills someone with 35 knife stings must feel hatred, which can only be in a relationship with the victim. His client did not even have the retiree's phone number – "why should he slaughter her?", Said the lawyer. In addition, traces of DNA from another man, unknown, were found on the crime scene

"It was terrible"

The 59-year-old DNA was found on the body of the 70 year old man. from the house noticed that the door of the pensioner's apartment was open on the ground floor. "It seemed strange to me," said the defendant himself, after which he had entered and opened the entrance and the glbad door with his elbow. He reported, the resident found on her knees, having said her name several times and dragging her. He then repositioned the corpse splattered with blood as he had found it. He demonstrated that with a doll. It was "terrible", "I panicked."

As his hands were full of blood, the 59-year-old man climbed the body according to his information and washed his hands. For this he stored a Häferl who stood there – also on his DNA was found. With a cleaning sponge, he then wiped the blood from the tap and sat for about a minute before escaping from the apartment. Previously, he had raised the 70-year-old purse – traces of the 59-year-old man's DNA were also found on the wallet

Bluttat not immediately apparent

On the evening of October 7 2017 was the victim of a birthday party. a coffee for the last time seen alive. The woman left the restaurant around midnight. The death of 70-year-olds could not be determined exactly, he said in the murder trial in Wiener Neustadt. According to the critic Christa Nussbaumer several traces of DNA came from the accused.

It was not immediately obvious to the funeral director that the woman had been murdered. The defendant, on the other hand, said Thursday that he was running out of a crime as soon as he was found. He justified that ua with a coating of blood and blood on the victim's face. Why he had not warned the emergency services, the 59-year-old could not explain conclusively. He justified this with "panic" or "fear" after finding the body.

Two funeral parlors reported as witnesses that the dead woman was in the apartment kitchen in Neunkirchen, a break in the woman's face was not their first concern noticed. It is only when they opened the black vest of the woman that many injuries became visible. A funeral director, who had previously lived in the building, described as "unusual" the entrance door left open and the key in the apartment.

A policeman said that, among other things, a newspaper from the living room table On October 8, the leftover food found in the kitchen, which was also in the 70-year-old man's belly, were came Sunday afternoon as a crime. The next day, a dental badistant missed calls to the retired retiree late in the morning by a friend. The woman who said she saw the victim on October 9th was "wrong," the officer said.

The apartment worked very well, entrepreneurs reported. The purse of the woman was on the table, according to the police were also found two booklets and 5000 euros in cash.

Found by a girlfriend

A friend of the victim had found the retiree in the apartment on October 11. Upon arrival, the body was already in the coffin, reported an investigator, another will be interviewed on the second day of the trial. The scene was documented and in the following months the 70-year-old environment was examined. Seventy-five people were screened or interviewed and taken from some DNA smears. A comparison with the 59-year-old man's DNA revealed a blow.

The defense criticized the police investigation work. For example, a dispute that would have occurred on the upper floor was related to the bloody murder on the ground floor. In addition, the evaluation of the call data has been criticized, since this only concerns the October 8th.

According to expert Christa Nussbaumer more than 60 tracks – for example, the bloody vest of the victim – secured and badyzed and compared to 37 reference samples. Several DNA fingerprints, such as the body, the victim's wallet and a cafe in the apartment, have been attributed to the accused, and more than one funeral director and ############################################################################ 39, a 70-year-old girlfriend.

September 25 The trial of the jury presided over by the judge Birgit Borns is continued. On the program, other interviews and witness reports

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