The naval mission of the EU "Sophia" continues for the moment


The "Sophia" mission of the European Union can be continued until the end of August. After Italy's threat to close its ports for EU ships with rescued refugees in the Mediterranean, the mission is maintained, AFP news agency reported yesterday after a crisis meeting European circles

Rome can be found for the mission. Several diplomats denied media reports that the mission had been stopped for the time being. However, it is true that the commander of the mission first ordered the return of the ships to the ports after the first meeting of the EU on Wednesday, said a representative of the country

49,000 rescuers [19659004] The refugee crisis has been created and is being used in international waters off Libya. She goes against smugglers, but she also saves refugees from distress. In three years since its creation, the "Sophia" ships have saved 49,000 people. They were landed in Italy until here.

The new populist government in Italy announced this week its refusal to continue saving "Sophia". According to his minister, the Italian Foreign Minister, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, wrote to Federica Mogherini, head of the EU's foreign policy, that "the current provisions of the deployment plan" do not consider Italy only as "exclusive place". [ad_2]
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