The number of children looked after has increased


The number of children in care has further increased

VIENNA. The number of child care spaces has reached a peak. According to Statistik Austria, 68,168 children under the age of three attended a nursery school in kindergarten 2017/18

  Increasing the number of children supported

More and more of them. Supported Children (OÖN) Photo: Valentina Dirmaier

There was also a record for children ages three to five: 236,779 went to kindergarten. Thus, the rate of care in this age group is 93.7%. Ten years ago, this figure was 85.8%

Among the under three years, there has been a sharp increase in all federal states over the last decade. The largest increase is in Upper Austria. There, the number has almost tripled with 7347 children. Despite this increase, the smallest number of children (relative to the population) in Upper Austria and Styria is still supported in Krabbelstuben (respectively 16.1 and 14.8%).

Education Consultant Christine Haberlander (VP) is satisfied: shows that we are on the right track in the expansion of child care services. "To expand care services for less than three years, we wanted to continue working, but he needs the support of the federal government:" I therefore invite to a rapid conclusion of the. agreement 15a with the appropriate funding, "said Mr. Haberlander.SP family spokeswoman, Petra Müllner, has no reason to rejoice:" The gap with the average in Austria has increased . "

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