The number of high earners in parliament has increased significantly


The number of high earners in parliament increased significantly

VIENNA. Former deputy secretary general Werner Amon has concealed his extra income

  The number of high-paid parliamentarians has increased significantly

The number of full-time deputies has dropped. Many of the new agents are the best paid. Image: APA

Each year the Parliament publishes the additional income of the deputies. A customer receives 8887 euros gross per month. All it deserves to be reported.

In 2016, there were nine high-income earners who earned more than $ 10,000 a month. In 2017, the number rose to 20. Overall, there were fewer full-time MPs than before.

The high additional income is, in part, involuntarily returned to the SPÖ. In 2017, some were already MPs following a lost election, but still had to report their departmental income for the year.

The former Federal Chancellor Christian Kern fell the year before. For 2018, he has already declared his additional income: The party pays him to the deputy additional income in category 3 – between 3501 and 7000 euros per month –

Lawyers and entrepreneurs

On more than 10,000 euros per month l & SPÖ still lawyer, Hannes Jarolim

In the People's Party, National Council Chairman Wolfgang Swoboda, still Interior Minister in 2017, also fell into the highest category. Peter Haubner, former corporate secretary general, and Michaela Steinacker, former Raiffeisen real estate director, also returned five figures.

Four new vice presidents are among the best: real estate entrepreneur Martin Engelberg, Professor Rudolf Taschner House officials Tanja Graf and Rebecca Kirchbaumer.

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Notary Harald Stefan was one of the highest incomes in the world of freedom for many years. In addition, lawyer Christian Ragger, pharmacist Gerhard Kaniak and the operator of a retirement home, Petra Wagner, report more than 10,000 euros and a member of the parliamentary staff.

Only Upper Austria Karin Doppelbauer arrives in the top 20 of the Neos as director of the American computer company Dell in Bratislava. The highest paid member of the list of mushrooms is the lawyer Alfred Noll, he reported for 2017 an additional income of less than 7000 euros per month. Peter Pilz, who received € 8,800 from the party, was not obliged to register due to his late arrival.

Slipping message

An embarrbading Hoppala "arrived" former Deputy Secretary General Werner Amon. As Secretary General of the ÖVP, that he was from September 2016 to May 2017, he received a salary as a secretary of state. It arrived at about 15,600 euros a month, the party paid the difference to the salary of the deputy

On the transparency list, the high additional wage was not noted. The message was "slipped," Amon told APA. However, it has no consequences to be feared. There are no sanctions for violations of transparency rules.

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