The old diesels will have to stay in Stuttgart from 2019 – Wirtschaft-News


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Stuttgart (dpa) – In the fight against bad air by diesel cars makes Stuttgart serious with a driving ban and follows as the second largest German metropolis the example of Hamburg. As of January 1, 2019, owners of older diesel cars in the state capital must adapt to bans to circulate.

The green-black coalition of Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) agreed after several weeks of negotiations.

Whether or not there are traffic bans for younger Euronorm 5 diesel engines from 2020, the coalition wants to make it dependent on the effect of a air pollution control package. Among these possible prohibitions, however, the Euro 5 diesel must be exempted for a transitional period of two years, which has been modernized with software. For a material renovation, the exception should apply permanently.

Stuttgart follows with the ban of Hamburg, where restrictions apply to diesel cars on two sections. In Stuttgart, however, they refer to the entire urban area.

Since Stuttgart is home to car manufacturers such as Porsche and Daimler, driving bans are considered tricky here. The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig decided in February of this year that bans on the circulation of air pollution are generally allowed if proportionality is respected. Since then, the country has been under great pressure to act

. There should be a transition period until April 1, 2019 for local residents for driving bans on Euro 4 diesel and worse. According to Andreas Schwarz, leader of the Green Party, a tariff reform of the VVS transport badociation will then be used to facilitate the transition to public transport. CDU party leader Wolfgang Reinhart said: "This city must come out of traffic jams." It was important to also promote electric mobility in Stuttgart.

Transport Minister Winfried Hermann (Greens) announced, among other things, more express bus lines and better parking management in Stuttgart. In total, the package of measures for air pollution costs 450 million euros, the majority of funding being already secured. There was an open sum of 105 million euros over ten years to fund it.

Minister of Economy Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut (CDU) spoke of many exceptions to driving bans, such as delivery and crafts. "We have agreed on a free permanent trip here." There are also exceptions for shift workers, care services and very small businesses threatened with prohibition of their existence.

For this reason also, the government had to make a decision because the Stuttgart Administrative Court had set a deadline (16.7 explain in more detail their measures of control of air pollution. that the country takes driving bans for the diesel Euro 5 with an appointment in the sanitation plan of Stuttgart.The politicians of the CDU want to clarify the subject of diesel Euro-5, if necessary, in court The Greens do not want it If the administrative court accepted conditional driving restrictions for the diesel Euro 5 was initially opened.If the court imposes a penalty payment, the government wants to decide, in Kretschmann's terms, It will go against it.

Stuttgart has long struggled against excessive levels of fine dust and nitrogen oxide.Nitrogen oxides are gases that among other things , may irritate the respiratory tract and eyes. According to the Federal Office of Transport (as of 1 January 2018), Stuttgart, Böblingen, Esslingen, Göppingen, Ludwigsburg and Rems-Murr-Kreis are part of the region. a total of 534,573 licensed diesel cars. 34% of them are on the road with Euro 5 standards, which corresponds to 183,358 cars. In addition, 188,163 diesel cars are homologated according to Euro 1 to 4 standards. This corresponds to a share of 35% of all diesel cars.

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