The real master plan is provocation «


Berlin . His office had made an effort: on 23 pages of paper, the loud, brilliant, of course, they had printed it. In multiple execution, there were indeed many expected visitors to this appointment. "Does he really have everyone in front of him?" Horst Seehofer asked for security. Then he took his own copy to give the photographer a good motive. The Federal Minister of the Interior and Head of CSU presented Tuesday his "master plan for migration".

It does not summarize only 63 points for a more rigorous asylum. This document also includes the ideological guidelines of Seehofer, its political life insurance and its campaign program for the election of the Bavarian State Parliament. But that also included things for a government crisis. And in point 27, where Seehofer had asked for refugee refusals directly at the border. Chancellor Angela Merkel has already vetoed

The conflict, the threats – all this has already happened, says Seehofer. On Tuesday, he sees his "blueprint" as a kind of birthday present to himself: "The front page shows the date of July 4th," he says. That day, he was not only 69, he had also finalized his diary.

Agreement with the SPD not included

But wait – there was something else. A major change, decided a day later: On July 5, the ruling parties CDU, CSU and SPD agreed on a different approach to the Austro-Bavarian border, as Seehofer had asked in point 27: refugees who are already in If you have applied for asylum in another EU country, you will be checked in at the police facilities or at the Munich airport – and handed over to you. responsible state after 48 hours. If the local authorities refuse, the victims must return to Austria. However, only if the government is in agreement in Vienna.

However, Seehofer's plan reads a different story. You will find the version on which only the two parties of the Union agreed, without the Social Democrats. All the rest "would be absurd," said the interior minister. This is indeed a "master plan of my house, not the coalition". He did not know how many of the 63 points the SPD could identify with. You can not update each time you update your paper. Is this a provocation? "No, I emphasize it," said Seehofer. Then he added anyway; "But if you want to see it that way.,"

At least the SPD wants this: There is "no need for other performances in the CSU summer theater" said deputy party leader Ralf Stegner on Tuesday afternoon. "We are talking about no other blueprint than the coalition agreement." What has already been agreed with the union must also be confirmed.

Anchorage Centers and In-Kind Contributions

In fact, the Seehofer Master Plan contains an astonishing number of parallels to the coalition agreement – although that of the government turquoise blue in Vienna. Seehofer proposes a tightening in the area of ​​asylum that Austrians might find familiar. Asylum seekers must be housed, for example, in their own facilities, called anchor centers. There, they should live from the first to the last day of their procedure. The federal government wants to have better control over the fate of people, says Mr Seehofer. This is especially important for those who receive a negative asylum decision. In addition, it is unlikely that refugees will receive money in these neighborhoods. They would be supported in the form of benefits in kind, including, inter alia, a place of sleep and meals.

According to Seehofer, there is no legal obligation to cooperate if necessary – whether to expel or verify one's own identity. In the event that the persons concerned do not cooperate, additional places should be created in the detention of deportation. Voluntary return must also be promoted with its own programs, asks the Minister of the Interior. But there should also be changes for recognized refugees: the quality of integration courses is increased. In the future, people have to commit to participate – otherwise there are threats of sanctions.

While in Austria, the ÖVP and the FPÖ are in agreement on all these points, Seehofer will still have to negotiate. It is therefore entirely possible that he will have to update his "master plan" at the end.

("Die Presse", printed edition, 11.07.2018)

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