"The Savior Before Us" "DiePresse.com


The ÖVP is in a good mood. Already longer. For some time now, it's no longer black like snow, but rather turquoise with fresh mint, and since the summer of 2017 a party would have been no longer a party, but a movement. She does not stay still, she wants to continue higher. Saturday, for example, on the Schöckl, the local mountain of Graz

On the buses, the movement was carried, the leaders of the local groups of Styrian ÖVP came out, hiking poles and digital cameras drawn, turquoise laces created. More than half of the visitors – officially 2,500 – who gathered at the base of the Radegund base station, at the foot of the Schloßl, at the bottom of the straight line of the spit, were perhaps members of the group . Of course, it was not walking with co-thinkers, but the Chancellor in functional hiking clothes, which had been heated from Vienna to Schöckl. Sebastian Kurz came with Secretary-General Karl Nehammer and Family Minister Juliane Bogner-Strauß; The special guest was the governor of Styria, Hermann Schützenhöfer. The leaders of the ÖVP were ordered a day full of cheers, applause, beautiful photos, without asking any critical questions.

The Chancellor, it was said, offered a day in nature to "converse" with people, Short brief statement before the start of the trek rang then – without a suit, which makes him look "very young", if the opinion of many hikers – rather Vienna or Brussels; he spoke of efforts to "stop illegal migration" and to avoid being influenced by people who promote "end-of-the-world theories."

It did not quite fit with the sunny, leather-lined world of the ÖVP was installed in front of the valley station, including Jausensackerl. A band called "Finally Monday" was playing holiday songs after Nehammer badured the crowd that she would stay on the eight-hour day despite flexing work time.
After that, they started walking. A great grape formed around the chancellor, followed him faithfully even there, when he wanted to go away because of a phone call.

Ins-Bild-Rücken The announced arrival of the conversation was mostly an ins-image-back – everything seemed, it seemed, to want a selfie with Kurz, who made a kind of holy figure in the circle of his supporters. "He is supposed to appear here," murmured some women at the top; Further down, two boys could not hide their euphoria about the travel company: "The Savior precedes us!"

Not everyone wanted to disturb the Chancellor in his experience of nature, explained two ladies on the way. Kurz has often received variations of "bravo", "perseverance" and "thank you" as an answer. Concerns have been solved by map – with a contact to whom we could turn. Short did not come out of breath, who claimed to have "hated" walking like a child and a teenager. In the meantime, it was different: a few weeks ago he was on the snowy mountain. Soon he will return – at the next stop of the summer tour.

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